
My Heart as it was

There was a beautiful autumn breeze that passed through Mulberry Street last evening. My Heart and I strolled through the midst of elderly chinese chess players in Columbus Park, waiting to meet dear friends a few blocks away. We sat for a few minutes, finishing off a mango drink, and watched a kung fu instruction take place alongside a soccer game on the field.

As the time drew near we made our way down the street, noticing a bright, new store installed alongside the dark funeral parlors and flower shops. It was a Dunkin Donuts. We contemplated the future success of this oddly placed shop that opened so close to Yello, a bar that both of us used to frequent. If they're smart, they'll be open late.

There was a group of people dressed in black, exiting one of the funeral parlors, also making their way up Mosco, one of those narrow Chinatown streets. We attached ourselves to the back, slowly filing uphill. Most likely the group is off to eat dinner somewhere, commemorating the passing of a family member with a meal. My Heart and I parted the group once we reached the corner of Mott, heading in the opposite direction. We were off to our own dinner, off to celebrate friends.

As we passed by the tea houses, we glanced in each one, seeing if there were people we knew. Just then a figure rushed by and whispered a low "boo!" I immediately recognized that voice: it was my Brother's Friend. Sporting a cut off Brooklyn tee and a spikey mohawk, the ex stopped and smiled in our direction. My Heart smiled back and shook his hand.

I asked him for his number then, remembering he had access to book printers that I would find useful for some projects in the near future. He gave me his digits, and advised me on how to get better pricing. The two of us chatted a bit longer about technical stuff, then he went on his way and we on ours. Half a block later, My Heart, jokingly observed that I got a guy's number. "Oooh! My baby got digits! My baby got DIGITS!" He is always the one to tease, and I was too amused by his playfulness to reply.

We reached our destination a few minutes later, a Malaysian restaurant on the edge of Little Italy. After checking inside and realizing we were the first of the group to arrive, we turned to go back outside to wait for everyone else. Right before exiting, My Heart turns to me and goes, "Oh look! It's your boyfriend again!"

I walked out the door in time to hear, "you're kidding." It was my Brother's Friend and a couple of his friends, whom I vaguely recognized. "You're not gonna eat here?," he inquired the both of us, seemingly surprised. (He knows my fondness for this restaurant's roti.) We explained to him that we're waiting for some friends' arrivals.

Later on as the group gathered, we entered and was seated not too far from the other group. The night wore on, and we all enjoyed comfort food amongst comfortable friends, sharing stories and laughter as we always did. And when the other group got up to leave, My Heart and I silently acknowledged the person we encountered hours ago, on another street. My Brother's Friend made eye contact with me and waved, then made eye contact with My Heart and nodded, smiling on the way out.

After dinner we passed out hugs, as one by one friends dispersed, homebound toward their destinations. Finally it was just me and My Heart as it was prior. We slowly made our way downtown, enjoying the last vestiges of the night, and happily looking forward to reruns on cable before falling asleep in each other's arms.


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