
The most important thing about timing is enjoying the time you have

It was the end of the week and we met up again. Nighttime in Chinatown with its busy narrow streets. Corner of Bayard and Elizabeth. I tried to spot him from the school entrance, scanning the passersby for a familiar face catching none. Last step to the corner in hopes that he will be there. Funny how I feel my heart sink a bit, but there he was at the last step, waiting. He was leaning on the wall shielding himself from the winter wind. I can't help but smile when I turned and saw him.

Have you ever been glad to see someone there? Someone you can't get out of your mind, that drives you crazy with everything you do? I'm caught in a daze, my mind soars million miles away, my phsyical being is stuck to this earth, going through the motions everyday. Crazy.

Funny thing is, it just changes everything you see and everything you feel but on the outside everything is the same. I think he feels it too. I can see it in his face when he returns my smiles. It's this secret language in between. Wordless phrases. Deep with meaning.

Once again he takes my hand, and we are on our way, this time finding a warm shelter from this cold March evening. On our way to enjoy the little things

And I enjoy the little things with him...


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