
You Always Had to Get Over Her

You always had to get over her
whether her name was Jess or Kate
You the man-boy
swaying side to side
unsure as a toddler's step

The hair color changes,
long brunette or short and red
yet they all remained the same and left
you for another future
while your current becomes your past

Devastated, you stay
until another day brings another blonde
and you disappear into that world once again
hoping it to be the final escape


untitled (in progress)

picture me this
out in a rhyme
i in my room
you on my mind

sit as i write
dark in the sky
low in my voice
deep in my sigh

fragrant as night
angels they fly
motion so windy
air feels alive

whisper me softly
midnight moon shines
touch of a shadow
kiss me good bye


the promise of sun and grass

it was the promise of sun and grass
sweet smell, wet on my skin
the soft, green earth bed yielding to my size

summer day with the clouds and blue
amid shiny and tall buildings
gleeming in its massive glory
i look into above as i lay
and see the infinite mind
of this world and all of its existence


on family and female minds

i come home to the sounds of the air breezing
windows reveal night time and sounds of barking dog
so many details to remember
of a night i found out more
we shared meals and memories
stories of love, laughter and lineage
and we dared to have asked
on family and female minds
a shared memory of growing up
and the broken innocence of knowledge and humor
we gain collectively, a deeper bond that brings us in